
DemocracyRD: Jahrestagung September 2024 in Vancouver

Die Jahrestagung von DemocracyRD findet im September 2024 in Vancouver statt und ist diesmal nicht mehr nur auf Mitglieder begrenzt. Hier die Einladung von Peter MacLeod, der die Jahrestagung organisiert: 

Dear friends,
I am writing to invite you to join this year’s Democracy R&D annual gathering in Vancouver, Canada.
We are hard at work designing a great program and while the core conference will take place over two days, we are actually planning FIVE days of events and workshops — including special courses from the amazing teams at Mosaic Lab and Democracy Fitness, a half-day celebration of the 20th anniversary of the BC Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, and the opportunity to attend the first morning of a new citizens’ assembly taking place in the provincial capital.
To learn more about everything we have in store, contribute your own ideas for sessions and reserve a ticket, just visit:
Our early bird ticket promotion ends April 10th.
This year, we are also making it possible for more non-drd members who are keen to contribute to this movement to attend. Please do whatever you can to promote this event within your organization and across your networks.
The MASS and newDemocracy Foundation teams can’t wait to welcome you to Vancouver.
Warm regards,
Peter MacLeod
Principal, MASS LBP


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